Search Results
Identifying Barriers & Solutions to Women’s Economic Opportunity | 2020 Concordia W-GDP 2X Americas
Rescue, Recovery and Resilience | 2020 Concordia W-GDP 2X Americas Investing in the Future of Women
Ivanka Trump on The Transformational Power of Investing in Women | 2020 Concordia W-GDP 2X AMERICAS
Changing Laws and Breaking Barriers for Women’s Economic Empowerment in MENA
A Conversation on the Successes of the Women's Global Development and Prosperity Initiative (W-GDP)
‘Women’s budget’ gives women more workplace choices than ever before: Sussan Ley
Concordia Action Alliance | 2020 Concordia Americas Summit
Nourah Yonous - Things are shifting in Africa | Diaspora Connect: Ep. 11
Defiant Optimist™ Webinar with Mauricio Claver-Carone
Innovative Approaches for Skills Matching | 2016 Concordia Annual Summit